Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tea Leaves and Coffee Grounds

As you will see in the interests portion of my profile, I have an interest in "occult" subjects as well as in family history.  What better place to put an entry in the old folk practice of reading tea leaves and coffee grounds than in a genealogy blog?

Reading tea leaves and coffee grounds to predict the future was - and still is - generally practiced by women and, as it turns out, my great grandmother, Nellie Butterfield, used to read both.  Mother tells me her preference was for coffee grounds, though.

Apparently, the practitioners of this art use shapes formed by the coffee grounds or tea leaves to create a story about the drinker's future, once the drink itself is gone and the dregs remain, of course.  In my opinion, complete nonsense, but possibly an entertaining way to break the ice at a tea party or kaffe klatsche!

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